Saturday, June 12, 2010

Water Conservation

Conserve Water, Conserve Life....

O! My Dear where are you exploring?

There is nothing Water is here,

With lots of ignorance you are destructing,

Once disappear, Water is nowhere.

Conserve Water, Conserve Life.....

It will take a little to save this immortal liquid,

Try to aware to everybody for it,

With regarding this don’t be silly & don’t be vicked,

If Once disappear we never re-get it!!!!!

Praveen Sharma

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Child Baggers

“Childes are the main assets of our Nation or any Country. They are the only effective descendent to hold the Curb of our Nation’s Culture & Unity, So please protect their childhood & empower them with power of Knowledge.”

This is not me that’s typing this blog it was that event who uncontrolled me for this.

I am working in a logistics company (Transport Company) as a main accountant under my CA at Delhi & daily traveled to my office from my home.
I usually take my train from Vivek Vihar (Jhilmil Industrial Area, Dilshad Garden).

I was waiting for my train. I was sitting on a bench just after few minutes a little kid (Male Kid) comes there.

And he touched my knees and stretches his hand towards me instead demanding by mouth.
He was not unable to speak properly, he was not disabled to speak he was in his primary stage to speak.

I did not mistake to understand that why he is stretching his hands towards me. But I knowingly become unknown, by his requirement.
And I asked him “ Kahan Jayega?” (Where you will go?).
That kid repeat it two times & I also.

And then he turn off me like “Now It’s Computer is Not Safe to Use” & he move to his new prey.
(Sorry for that I used here “PREY”)

He repeat same action in front of that
person (Approximately 35-38 Years Old).

I was monitoring it, he (Man) put his hand in his pocket and gave him 1 Rupee!!
I tried to stop that person to do so.
But he said that “Chal yaar chhod Bachcha hi to hai, Kahan roz maang raha hai?” (Oh friend! let’s go, this is little child, & I am giving first time).

But this happening left a deep going concern inside my Heart.
If we (all) will think in that measure, then what will happen?

Now you can take example of this child. Now what will happen with this child?
If that’s man (Who gave Money to this Innocent Child) get information from somewhere that his child was also being observed in that job.
Then what he could tolerate? No!

Not at All!!!

If you could not tolerate something that may annihilate your own child’s future, then why you encouraging such activities.

Why peoples are taking chances? Why?

Now surely that’s kid encouraged by that uneducated devil for bagging & now his Future is full of problems. Now life has been infected by virus of illiteration that’s the main curse to any Nation.

Now he has been understand that if one ignored me that surely another give me money.

And now this will be the Motto Of His life-

“May Be The Next “

So please Discourage bagging at your own level.
If you want a Strong Nation & Safe future.
Otherwise we will disable being able.

For A Scientific Experience

& For General activities

& For Further Social Issues

Or Suggest Me At My Personal ID:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


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Friday, March 5, 2010

Child Molestation in Cyber World

Dear parents this blog is especially for all of you, that

"Childes are precious jewel of this Nation
please take care them at your own responsibility
& like a challenging task,
switch between your own busy professional time
and your child security."

This is the era of E Side effects that's very close to your loving childes!!!!!
How so close just only One Click & few key words.

This terrific giant is Internet that we buy a Net connection to update our childes to keep in touch with main streem knowledge, initially your childs performed well even you also surprised with their excellence level & their additional knowledge, But slowly-2 it turns into a gab, suddenly your child break this conversation & span lots of period even hole night on this and become expressionless lost his/her real spirit.
even you never monitor them at all you think they are going right direction.
They separate themselves from you(Parents) & there Elders.

What Happen????

Perhaps They have become a VICTIM of Cyber Sex Molesters.
So please keep monitor your childes online activities as you can.
Because you are not saving by this your's child future as well your' own country future

Take Preventive Measure such as:-

>Keep Regular Monitration of your' Child Online activity.
>Keep their password in your knowledge.
>Check their Chatroom at regular basis.
>Keep knowledge of every phone number that is save in your teen or pre-teen mobile number.
>Have a brief knowledge about every person with that your child have a connection.
> Because Cyber Sex Criminals meet with your kids online & than entice her/him to meet ofline.

> Your child start keep distance with you.
> Suddenly receives phone calls from somebody for that she/he ignore to talk in
your presence.
> She/He seems in tension & depression and techy.
> She/He span a major time outside from the House.
> She/He start pretend more than ever before to meet with his/her friend.

If You Feel something like this with your child than please take preventive measures again your childes safe and better future.

"Don't become so open, Keep in touch with your child,Because their is something that we calls NEGATIVITY in Universe In same Measure as POSITIVITY."
Thank You.
Praveen Sharma
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Join Me
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Importance Of Womens Education

Education in India

Education in India has a history stretching back to the ancient urban centres of learning atTaxila and Nalanda. Western education became ingrained into Indian society with the establishment of the British Raj. Education in India falls under the control of both the Union Government and the states, with some responsibilities lying with the Union and the states having autonomy for others. The various articles of the Indian constitution provide for education as a fundamental right. Most universities in India are Union or State Government controlled.

India has made a huge progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately two thirds of the population.[1] India's improved education system is often cited as one of the main contributors to the economic rise of India.[2] Much of the progress in education has been credited to various private institutions.[3]The private education market in India is estimated to be worth $40 billion in 2008 and will increase to $68 billion by 2012.[3] However, India continues to face challenges. Despite growing investment in education, 40% of the population is illiterate and only 15% of the students reach high school.[4] As of 2008, India's post-secondary high schools offer only enough seats for 7% of India's college-age population, 25% of teaching positions nationwide are vacant, and 57% of college professors lack either a master's or PhD degree.[5] As of 2007, there are 1522 degree-granting engineering colleges in India with an annual student intake of 582,000[6], plus 1,244 polytechnics with an annual intake of 265,000. However, these institutions face shortage of faculty and concerns have been raised over the quality of education.[7]




Friday, February 12, 2010

Horse Shoe Crab.

The horse shoe crab is called a "living fossil" because it has been on earth for millions of years. A relative of the spider and the scorpion, this space ship like creature with blue blood holds some of the most fantastic secrets that could revolutionize medical history.
They are estimated to be at least 300 million years old. Today, four species of horseshoe crabs inhabit the earth's oceans. Yet, it has been unknown and ignored for thousands of years.
It is not presently endangered, but harvesting and habitat destruction have reduced its numbers at some locations and caused some concern for these animals' future. To this effect Earth Matters Foundation has started a campaign to ensure that the Horseshoe Crab be protected under the Schedule 4 of the Wildlife Protection Act with immediate effect and also the breeding grounds of the Horseshoe Crab be protected.

Please protect this amazing creature this Horse Shoe Crab.

For A Brief Reference Please Follow This Link & Be A Contributer In Protectionism of This Amazing Creature.

Praveen Sharma

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Capillary Tube

Capillary action

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Capillary Tube)
Capillary Flow Experiment to investigate capillary flows and phenomena aboard the International Space Station

Capillary action, capillarity, capillary motion, or wicking refers to two phenomena:

  1. The movement of liquids in thin tubes.
  2. The flow of liquids through porous media, such as the flow of water through soil.

A common apparatus used to demonstrate the first phenomenon is the capillary tube. When the lower end of a vertical glass tube is placed in a liquid such as water, a concave meniscus forms. Surface tension pulls the liquid column up until there is a sufficient mass of liquid for gravitational forces to overcome the intermolecular forces. The contact length (around the edge) between the top of the liquid column and the tube is proportional to the diameter of the tube, while the weight of the liquid column is proportional to the square of the tube's diameter, so a narrow tube will draw a liquid column higher than a wide tube.

In hydrology, capillary action describes the attraction of water molecules to soil particles. Capillary action is responsible for moving groundwater from wet areas of the soil to dry areas. Differences in soil potential (Ψm) drive capillary action in soil.

Kindly For More You Can Follow this Link:

Make Physics real that you can, and this is.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Centrifugal & Centripetal Forces

Centrifugal force

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Centrifugal force (from Latin centrum "center" and fugere "to flee") represents the effects of inertiathat arise in connection with rotation and which are experienced as an outward force away from the center of rotation. In Newtonian mechanics, the term centrifugal force is used to refer to one of two distinct concepts: an inertial force (also called a "fictitious" force) observed in a non-inertial reference frame or a reaction force corresponding to a centripetal force. The term is also sometimes used in Lagrangian mechanics to describe certain terms in the generalized force that depend on the choice of generalized coordinates.

Fictitious centrifugal force

Centrifugal force is often confused with centripetal force. Centrifugal force is most commonly introduced as a force associated with describing motion in a non-inertial reference frame, and referred to as a fictitious or inertial force (a description that must be understood as a technical usage of these words that means only that the force is not present in a stationary or inertial frame).[1][2] There are three contexts in which the concept of the fictitious force arises when describing motion using classical mechanics.[3] In the first context, the motion is described relative to a rotating reference frame about a fixed axis at the origin of the coordinate system. For observations made in the rotating frame, all objects appear to be under the influence of a radially outward force that is proportional to the distance from the axis of rotation and to the rate of rotation of the frame. The second context is similar, and describes the motion using an accelerated local reference frame attached to a moving body, for example, the frame of passengers in a car as it rounds a corner.[3] In this case, rotation is again involved, this time about the center of curvature of the path of the moving body. In both these contexts, the centrifugal force is zero when the rate of rotation of the reference frame is zero, independent of the motions of objects in the frame.[4]

The third context is related to the use of generalized coordinates as is done in the Lagrangian formulation of mechanics, discussed below. Here the term "centrifugal force" is an abbreviated substitute for "generalized centrifugal force", which in general has little connection with the Newtonian concept of centrifugal force.

If objects are seen as moving from a rotating frame, this movement results in another fictitious force, the Coriolis force; and if the rate of rotation of the frame is changing, a third fictitious force, the Euler force is experienced. Together, these three fictitious forces allow for the creation of correct equations of motion in a rotating reference frame.

Reactive centrifugal force

A reactive centrifugal force is the reaction force to a centripetal force. A mass undergoing curved motion, such as circular motion, constantlyaccelerates toward the axis of rotation. This centripetal acceleration is provided by a centripetal force, which is exerted on the mass by some other object. In accordance with Newton's Third Law of Motion, the mass exerts an equal and opposite force on the object. This is the "real" or "reactive" centrifugal force: it is directed away from the center of rotation, and is exerted by the rotating mass on the object that originates the centripetal acceleration.[5][6][7]

The concept of the reactive centrifugal force is used often in mechanical engineering sources that deal with internal stresses in rotating solid bodies.[8] Newton's reactive centrifugal force still appears in some sources, and often is referred to as the centrifugal force rather than as thereactive centrifugal force.[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]

Fictitious vs. reactive force

The table below compares various facets of the "fictitious force" and "reactive force" concepts of centrifugal force

Fictitious centrifugal forceReactive centrifugal force
Non-inertial framesAny
Acts as if emanating
from the rotation axis,
but no real source
Bodies moving in
circular paths
All bodies, moving or not;
if moving, Coriolis force
also is present
The object(s) causing
the curved motion, not upon
the body in curved motion
DirectionAway from rotation axis,
regardless of path of body
Opposite to the
centripetal force
causing curved path
included as force in
Newton's laws of motion
related to
centripetal force

And complete Information you can get by this link: ( For Centrifugal Force )

Centripetal force

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roller coaster vertical loop.ogg
Roller coaster cars are forced through a loop by the track applying a centripetal force on them. The reactive centrifugal force of the cars, associated with their inertia, holds them on the track.
Figure 1: A simple example corresponding to uniform circular motion. A ball is tethered to a rotational axis and is rotating counterclockwise around the specified path at a constant angular rate ω. The velocity of the ball is a vector tangential to the orbit, and is continuously changing direction, a change requiring a radially inward directed centripetal force. The centripetal force is provided by the tether, which is in a state of tension.

Centripetal force is a force that makes a body follow a curved path:it is always directed orthogonal to the velocity of the body, toward the instantaneous center of curvature of the path.[1][2] The term centripetal forcecomes from the Latin words centrum ("center") and petere ("tend towards", "aim at"), signifying that the force is directed inward toward the center ofcurvature of the path. Isaac Newton's description was: "A centripetal force is that by which bodies are drawn or impelled, or in any way tend, towards a point as to a center."[3]

And you can get quite well definition By this Link. ( For Centripetal Force )

Thank for All. And become Creative about physics as you can.