Friday, February 12, 2010

Horse Shoe Crab.

The horse shoe crab is called a "living fossil" because it has been on earth for millions of years. A relative of the spider and the scorpion, this space ship like creature with blue blood holds some of the most fantastic secrets that could revolutionize medical history.
They are estimated to be at least 300 million years old. Today, four species of horseshoe crabs inhabit the earth's oceans. Yet, it has been unknown and ignored for thousands of years.
It is not presently endangered, but harvesting and habitat destruction have reduced its numbers at some locations and caused some concern for these animals' future. To this effect Earth Matters Foundation has started a campaign to ensure that the Horseshoe Crab be protected under the Schedule 4 of the Wildlife Protection Act with immediate effect and also the breeding grounds of the Horseshoe Crab be protected.

Please protect this amazing creature this Horse Shoe Crab.

For A Brief Reference Please Follow This Link & Be A Contributer In Protectionism of This Amazing Creature.

Praveen Sharma

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