Friday, March 5, 2010

Child Molestation in Cyber World

Dear parents this blog is especially for all of you, that

"Childes are precious jewel of this Nation
please take care them at your own responsibility
& like a challenging task,
switch between your own busy professional time
and your child security."

This is the era of E Side effects that's very close to your loving childes!!!!!
How so close just only One Click & few key words.

This terrific giant is Internet that we buy a Net connection to update our childes to keep in touch with main streem knowledge, initially your childs performed well even you also surprised with their excellence level & their additional knowledge, But slowly-2 it turns into a gab, suddenly your child break this conversation & span lots of period even hole night on this and become expressionless lost his/her real spirit.
even you never monitor them at all you think they are going right direction.
They separate themselves from you(Parents) & there Elders.

What Happen????

Perhaps They have become a VICTIM of Cyber Sex Molesters.
So please keep monitor your childes online activities as you can.
Because you are not saving by this your's child future as well your' own country future

Take Preventive Measure such as:-

>Keep Regular Monitration of your' Child Online activity.
>Keep their password in your knowledge.
>Check their Chatroom at regular basis.
>Keep knowledge of every phone number that is save in your teen or pre-teen mobile number.
>Have a brief knowledge about every person with that your child have a connection.
> Because Cyber Sex Criminals meet with your kids online & than entice her/him to meet ofline.

> Your child start keep distance with you.
> Suddenly receives phone calls from somebody for that she/he ignore to talk in
your presence.
> She/He seems in tension & depression and techy.
> She/He span a major time outside from the House.
> She/He start pretend more than ever before to meet with his/her friend.

If You Feel something like this with your child than please take preventive measures again your childes safe and better future.

"Don't become so open, Keep in touch with your child,Because their is something that we calls NEGATIVITY in Universe In same Measure as POSITIVITY."
Thank You.
Praveen Sharma
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